Invited Lectures and Presentations

Abreu,R. L. (2019, November).“Familia no es importante; lo es todo”: Understanding and promoting acceptance of sexual and gender diverse Latinx family members.Invited public lecture, Department of Counseling andEducational Psychology, Indiana University (IU)

Abreu, R. L. (2019, May). Understanding and promoting acceptance of LGBTQ Latinx family members. Invited public lecture, LGBT Mental Health Conference, Eastern Kentucky University (EKU).

Abreu, R. L. (2019, March). Gender affirming psychological evaluations: An overview. Invited public lecture, Department of Psychology, Tennessee State University (TSU).

Abreu, R. L. (2019, March). “No pasa nada por ser gay pero tampoco hay que ir pregonandolo”: Understanding and promoting acceptance of LGBTQ Latinx family members. Invited public lecture, Department of Psychology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK). .